The film starts with Harinder "Harry" Singh Nehra (Shah Rukh Khan) working as a tourist guide. Harry is a cheap womanizer but a very friendly Guide. Harry always gets emotional seeing his village memories which haunt him. After dropping a Gujarati family at airport, Harry leaves. As he is driving his car back, Sejal Zaveri (Anushka Sharma), member of the same Gujarati family, stops him and tells him that her engagement ring is misplaced and she needs to find it at any cost. Therefore, she asks Harry's for help but he refuses. Subsequently, when Sejal insists, he agrees. Both Harry and Sejal travel to places, where Harry initially took the family, in search of the ring. At first, Harry gets annoyed with Sejal being so restless but later things start getting better. While looking for the ring, Harry tells Sejal that he left his home in Nur Mahal, and came to Canada in hope of becoming a singer. Realising that Harry is a sweet heart, they both continue to look for the ring. ...